Saturday, October 31, 2009

How long does it take for your period to go back to normal after you have a baby?

It was normal for like two months and now I haven't gotten it yet, in like a month and a half.
No lapses in birth control either.
Don't just tell me to take a test...
It all depends on if you are breastfeeding or not. When you are not breastfeeding, it can take 2-3 months for you cycles to resume. However, just because you don't have a period, doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't ovulating so it is wise to use contraception. If your cycle doesn't become regular within 3 months after birth, you will need to see your doctor as it's possible that a hormonal imbalance has developed. If you are breastfeeding, it can resume two months after, but some women do not get their period until after they stop breastfeeding. It is quite normal for it to be irregular while you are breastfeeding.
about 6 to 8 weeks
you may have a hormonal issue, which is what it appears. If you are 100% sure that you are not pregnant, you need to call the doctor. It's definitely hormones. Any Postpartum depression? That creeps up about this time too, and is totally hormonal related..
try talking to your doctor. but it took mine almost a year befor mine was reg. again
That's a pretty individual question. Most women I know are back on track within two months after birth. But are you breastfeeding? How long after the birth did you bleed? If you bled for like 4 to 6 weeks after the birth, you may take a little while to start again. Me personally, I had the bleeding for 6 weeks and then two weeks after that finally stopped, I started my period. If you are worried though, the right answer is always to check with your doctor.

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