Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can you get bigger breasts?

i want to know how do i get bigger breasts plzz help? :( im 15 n i ant got much ther :'(
You're only 15! Wait it out, you still have time for them to grow.
Some things you should know:
1) There are just as many men who like small breasts as there are who like them big. (I personally prefer them small).
2) People who get breast implants (if you're considering this) are MUCH more likely to commit suicide.
3) There are health risks (pre-surgery and post)
4) Most men if not all prefer natural over fake
5) Most implants make the breast look gross in my opinion
6) Big breasts sometimes can be uncomfortable and inconvenient.
7) When you get older, big breasts sag much more and look more..well..I'd hate to think about it.

Pregnancy is the only natural way of making your breasts bigger..but I can't recommend that to you obviously. Besides they eventually grow smaller again after birth.

You can gain weight, but that makes the breasts too soft and saggy when you lose the weight...unless you're happy with keeping the weight...but judging by your concern for breast size, I doubt that.

When you grow older and mature and find the man who loves you, breast size won't matter.

If you're worried about clothes fitting better (which again, somehow I doubt), there are things to put in your bra, or special bras to support the clothing better.
ahh sorry, you can't and shouldn't help it. Its just natural, your a twig. lol good luck getting a man.
Use toilet paper and rub them.
It works
It made your booty bigger didnt it
my boobs grew a full cup size when i got on the pill. so try birth control.

(but trust me...big boobs are horrible!)
do yoga and take help from some one for this.
1. Please don't do anything that involves surgery. Those things just leave nasty side effects.

2. Bigger is not always better. Kiera Knightly looks awesomely beautiful to me and she has like A-cup.
Dr 90210 , he will do it for you.
ah ur still young u dont stop growing really until ur 21 so wait and be patient
You should try to enjoy the breasts nature gave you. They are always better than the unnatural look of enlarged breasts.
15? you are too young to consider breast implants! called silicone breasts! just give it time! sometimes a young female does not fully develop until they are 18 or 19!
You shouldn't be worrying about things like that just yet. Your still very young and your body is still developing. Stop worrying about it for now it really isnt that important and start enjoying your teens more :-)
there are two ways, get fat, because breast tissue is primarily fat tissue. Or have surgery. Your breast size is primarily determined by your genes. At fifteen, you haven't finished growing, give yourself until your early twenties to know just what size you will be, after that, then your best option is breast enhancement surgery. None of the pills, creams and other nostrums available in the market actually work to enlarge breasts, they are scams designed to part you from your money.
be happy by what you have got
Don't worry about it. I personally do not mind a woman that is NOT packin in the chest. Sometimes big breasts are just over rated....the size you are at is fine. Most guys like a girl that is all natural. i don't mind small breasts, most other guys that are worth your time shouldn't either...good luck!
you cant, look at your mom and that will probaly determine your future.
I got this today in my email. I havent tried it yet. But Im thinking of trying it.

%26lt;Great news! I'm writing to announce the launch of my new ezine, "Secrets to Natural Breast Enlargement." Each week, I will be sharing valuable NEW breast enlargement tips you can put to use immediately. Welcome to issue #1!


Before you reach for that next cup of coffee, why not try something that tastes good AND will benefit your bustline?

I suggest Bustea! Credit goes to Dr. James A. Duke, author of The Green Pharmacy, for creating this cleavage-enhancing cocktail.

Bustea is brimming with breast enlarging phytoestrogens and is a total snap to make. Here鈥檚 how to do it:

In a saucepan, combine 1-2 cups of water with several tablespoons of fenugreek seeds. Add a dash or two of the following spices: anise, caraway, fennel, and licorice. (You can find them all at your local grocer.) Allow the water to boil for several minutes and strain before drinking. You can add lemon juice and honey to improve the taste.

Be sure to enjoy 1-2 cups of Bustea per day for the best breast enhancing effect!%26gt;
baby girl, im 23 and still have an A cup. its all in your genes though. if your family has big breasted women, then dont worry and be patient. if not, then you'll just have to learn to love urself the way you are. and the right guy will also love you the way you are. i know mine does, and sometimes i still get depressed bc of my breasts, but he always tells me how beautiful i am just the way i am. PLUS ur still very young...your not done growing yet so keep your head up :o). another thing, ur breasts never really stop growing for good. they will grow again when u become pregnant, also in my ffamily, their breasts have gotten bigger by the age. my grandmother is now a DD, my mom is a C (and they were both like me) it all depends on the family hun, so just hang in there and be patient, ur still young.
Heya, I wouldn't worry too much, boobs are highly over-rated. I started developing boobs pretty young, but stayed an A cuip until around my 17th year, then I grew to a full C, give it some time, you probly still developing. Let your body do it's thing, and maybe you'll get them... or maybe you won't. Not trying to sound pessimistic or anything, but don't get your expectancy on getting them, and become dissapointed later. Be happy with yourself, pick your good features-you can't have it all. For instance, I am a full C, borderline D, but i am also thicker around my midsection, not skinny as a rail like I would like to be. So pick and choose what you have and be thankful! Good luck
*HUGS* Toni Lynne
if u want you get bigger breasts size u can used the best of cream products more information
You don't have to go through surgery to get larger breasts. I know because I was thinking of getting surgery myself and I have tried a few over the counter pills that really didnt do anything. But I finally came across a breast program. Really on accident. I was starting to sell nutritional items and I was ordering a few things for myself to try out so I could see which items really work and which didnt. And I saw that they had breat pills so I figured sure why not, so added some. They were called breastgain but now they have made them even better and added a cream so now its called Breast Actives. I tried them and out of everything that I ordered they worked the best. I am not joking when I say I went up about 1 1/2 cup sizes. I was a medium B before and about a month and a half later I couldnt fit in my bras and I was a Large C. It's not a scam it works, I know you are probably sceptical as I was. But I can get it for you for $30 delivered straight to your door and you can pay through a money order/ personal check/ or google checkout (which accepts all major credit cards). Retails for $60 and thats a one month supply. So really what do you have to loose? My company offers a money back guarantee and included in the package is a return shipping label.
The Breast Actives Program is the most powerful and natural breast enhancement program available anywhere in the world. The Breast Actives program is a natural Breast Enhancement Program with exercise techniques, natural supplements and enhancement cream that provide nutrients that you may be missing if you are not eating a balanced diet.

It's been 6 months and they have not shrunk back they are still the same size. I am making a little blog on my myspace that will include all the info on it so that you can read up on it more before you decide. The link to it is below.
Check it out, let me know, and I hope that it will help you like it helped me!!

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