Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How long is too long for bleeding after child birth?

I had a child nine weeks ago and I have had heavy bleeding from the time I had my child until week six. The doctor's told me it was normal and that I may even possibly having a period. I am breastfeeding and have heard this is not common. I was bleeding so heavy between week four and six that I would go through a pad an hour. They put me on a birth control to get the bleeding to reduce and it worked for about two weeks. When week eight came around I began bleeding again, just like a period, I have been bleeding for almost two weeks now again. I can't take it anymore, I just want to enjoy my child and not feel tired all the time from having what seems like a constant period. Does anyone have any clues for me? After numerous doctor's visits where they tell me just to give it more time, I feel like there's no hope. I'll be bleeding forever. I haven't skipped one dose of my birth control so why would I be having a period mid-pack only two weeks after I finally stopped bleeding??
Sometimes it takes up to 3 months for birth control to take effect so mid cycle bleeding is actually common. That sounds like too much blood loss following childbirth (soaking a pad an hour is cause for a visit to the dr/er after childbirth), so if I was you, I probably would go try to get a second opinion. Good luck..
I agree - that is way to long to bleed. I would go to a different doctor, that doesn't seem normal to me especially if you have heavy bleeding.

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